Noise Test
Testing the Sony A7S, Alexa Mini and RED WEAPON (STANDARD and LOW LIGHT OLPF) in low light using various settings....
Testing the Sony A7S, Alexa Mini and RED WEAPON (STANDARD and LOW LIGHT OLPF) in low light using various settings....
Here’s our attempt of understanding of how to use the WEAPON. We shot in as many conditions as we could...
This is what happens when you get another editor, colorist and online artist to play with the same footage. Special...
Ode to the glamorous life of the camera team: Made by the FOCUSED equipment team. Music“Bau Ketek”Composed and Performed by...
The making of Schneider Cine-Xenar III lens test. Check it out: Filmed by Kevin AndersonProduced by Pinkan VeroniqueEdited by Robin...
Our playful Schneider Cine-Xenar III lens test. Check it out: Filmed and Edited by Robin MoranProduced by Pinkan VeroniqueProduction Assistant...
A look at how we achieved the Stress Test in Sept 2013. Check it out: Edited on Final Cut Pro...
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